What is Oxevision Observations, and how to use it

This lesson covers everything you need to know about Oxevision Observations, including what it is and how to use it.

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  • Oxevision Observations is an added module to Oxevision. It is a tool designed to digitise your observation rounds and work alongside existing processes, helping to reduce the need for paper-based methods. 
  • Before performing a patient’s observation using Oxevision Observations, you must first assign the patient to a room on the Oxevision system.
  • Oxehealth integrates with your Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems, this allows you to assign patients to rooms, pulling data directly from the EPR.
  • When assigning a patient to a room, it is mandatory to add their current observation level and reason for that level.
  • There are 3 mandatory fields of information you must enter in order to complete a patient’s observation. These are: Observation Level, Presentation and/or a comment, and Location of the patient. Obtaining Vital Signs is optional. 
  • Once you have selected a Location for the patient in the observation workflow, the observation timestamp will be updated.
  • Before pressing submit on the review page, ensure that you have included the correct information. You will not be able to go back to edit the fields after submitting.
  • If you log out, press the home button, or exit before pressing submit, you will lose the observation for that patient.
  • Oxehealth has several features to mitigate losing observations if a tablet loses Wi-Fi connectivity, whilst performing an observation. One of these includes the “Pending Observations Outbox”. If good Wi-Fi connectivity is not established within 6 hours, any pending observations in the outbox that have not submitted fully by the system, will be discarded. Please remember to take tablets with low/no Wi-Fi into an area with good Wi-Fi connectivity.


Hello and welcome to the Oxevision Observations lesson. Here we will be taking you through what Oxevision Observations is, and how to use it. This lesson will take approximately 30 minutes. Once completed, please take the Oxevision Observations quiz.


I will be covering everything you need to know about Oxevision Observations. Our objectives for this lesson are:

  • What is Oxevision Observations?
  • How to:

- Assign a patient to an Oxevision room, 

- Transfer and remove a patient from an Oxevision room.

- Complete an observation using Oxevision Observations.

- View and export the Observation History.

  • And finally, what happens if you are in an area of low/no Wi-Fi connectivity. 


So what is Oxevision Observations? 

  • Oxevision Observations is an added module to Oxevision. It is a tool designed to digitise your observation rounds and work alongside existing processes, helping to reduce the need for paper-based methods.

Oxevision Observations provides: 

  • Simple entries of patient location, presentation, safety notes and risk factors to support patient care
  • Accurate, timely, and auditable observations
  • Patient-centred and therapeutically valuable observations


Now we will show you: how to assign a patient to an Oxevision room 


Before you can perform a patient’s observation using Oxevision Observations, you must first assign the patient to a room on the Oxevision system.

To do this follow steps 1-6.

Step 1: select the room tile you wish to assign the patient to.

Step 2: once the room action menu appears, select “+ Occupant”.

Please note: If you have a Flexi Room on your ward, you must first assign it to your ward before you can use Oxevision Observations for that room. Once this is done, follow steps 1-6. For further information, please refer to the “How to use Flexi Rooms with Oxevision Observations” user guide on OxeAcademy.


Step 3: Once you are on the Patient Configuration page, shown below, select “Patient Lookup” on the right hand side. 

Oxehealth integrates with your Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems. By selecting the “Patient Lookup” button, you are accessing the EPR database.

Please note the Obs Level and Risk Factors section will be disabled until a patient is selected. 

Step 4: search for your patient by either entering their Name, their full NHS number or full Date of Birth. Search results will be presented below. Once you have found the correct patient press “Select” then “+ Occupant”.

And please note, only the first 20 patient records will be displayed. If the expected patient is not in this list, you will need to refine your search criteria by adding more of the patient’s information.


Step 5: Once you have selected the correct patient, you will be taken back to the Patient Configuration page where that patient's first and last name and NHS number, will be automatically populated from the EPR. 

You will then be required to fill out some additional patient information. The boxes highlighted in red are mandatory fields

  • From the drop down list select the patient’s initial “Obs Level(s)” and “Reason for level”, which are both mandatory fields
  • You can select the time of day and/or location for which the level applies
  • You can also add an additional obs level for the patient and the rationale for this level. Please note, the additional obs level cannot be the same as the initial obs level. 
  • By scrolling down you will be presented with a list of Risk Factors. Select any factors that are applicable to the patient. These are configured depending on ward type.

Once this information is entered select “Save”

  • Please note: The date and time a patient is assigned to a room is the time when you have selected “Save” after having entered the patient details.

Step 6: Once saved, the patient is then assigned to that room and their name will replace the word “+ Occupant” on the room action menu. The patient’s name will be displayed on the room tile of both the tablet and monitor (this is configurable).

You will now be able to carry out an observation on the patient using Oxevision Observations. I will be showing you how to do this later on in the lesson.


There are two warning messages that may be displayed when attempting to look up a patient from your EPR system. See below.

  1. “Sorry! - No patients found”. This warning message appears if the search has been successful but there are no patient matches found in your EPR system.

Please note: Changes in the EPR system may take up to 35 minutes to be displayed in Oxevision. If you cannot locate the patient after this time please check with your EPR administrator as you may need to add them in your EPR system.

  1. The second warning message that can appear is “Failed Patient Lookup”. This is shown when the search functionality has failed and no results could be displayed.

Please note: If the patient look up search fails, please try once more before contacting Oxehealth.


Editing patient details

The details of all patients currently assigned to a room can be viewed and edited at any time. To view or edit, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select the room tile and then select the patient's name from the “Room Action Menu”.

Step 2. Patient details can be edited by selecting “Edit Patient” on the Patient Overview page.

Step 3. Once you have finished editing the Patient Configuration page select “Save”.

The new changes will then be displayed on the Patients Overview page. 


Here is a short video demonstrating step by step, how to assign a patient to an Oxevision room and edit their information. 


We will now take you through how to transfer and remove a patient from an Oxevision room.


Transferring a Patient to another Oxevision Room  

A patient can be transferred from one room to another within the same ward using the “Transfer Room” functionality. To do this follow steps 1-3: 

Step 1: Go to the Patient Overview page and select “Transfer Room”.

Step 2: Use the dropdown list to select the room that you wish to transfer the patient to. 

Step 3: When an empty room is selected, the “Confirm Transfer” button will be available and selecting it will complete the transfer. 

Please Note: If an occupied room is selected from the dropdown list, a warning message will be displayed. You will not be able to assign the room to the new patient until you transfer or remove the original patient from the room.


Removing a Patient from an Oxevision room

A patient can be removed from a room using the “Leave Room” functionality. 

Step 1: Go to the Patient Overview page and select “Leave Room”.

Step 2: You will be prompted to select the date and time  that the patient stopped using the room. When a valid date and time has been selected, the “Confirm Patient Removal” button will be available.

Step 3: Select “Confirm Patient Removal” and the patient will be removed from the room. You will then be taken to the Room Action Menu.


Here is a short video demonstrating step-by-step, how to transfer and remove a patient from an Oxevision room.


We will now take you through how to complete an observation using Oxevision Observations.

This includes, how to: 

  • View the 24-Hour Overview page
  • Login to Oxevision Observations
  • And complete a patient observation, using Oxevision Observations


Viewing the 24-Hour Overview

The 24-Hour Overview displays a summary of all observations taken within the last 24 hours on a ward.

This page can be accessed by selecting the ‘Observation Round’ tab on the ‘Main Overview’ page.

On the screen is an example of this report. The 24-Hour Overview page is made up of two key sections:

  • Current patients - these are all patients that are actively assigned to a room within the ward.
  • Patients No Longer Assigned To Rooms - these are any patients that have been removed from a room during the previous 24 hour period.

Also included is:

-The patient’s name.

- The patient’s assigned observation level: this is the current level that was assigned to the patient when their ‘Patient Configuration’ page was updated. Remember you can assign up to two levels of observation when assigning them to a room.

- A summary of all observations that were submitted for each patient within the past 24 hours. Each observation is represented by a coloured dot. The number and colour of each dot indicates the level that was selected during the observations and not the levels currently assigned to the patient in the Patient Configuration page.

On the screen you will see the last hours’ worth of observations taken on your ward. To review the previous 24 hours use the “Back” button.

- Finally, on the far right you will see an overview of the patient’s last observation taken. Which includes the  ‘Time’, ‘Location’, ‘Presentation(s)’, and ‘Comments’ made during the last observation. This will then be updated with every subsequent observation submitted for that patient. 


Logging into Oxevision Observations

Before completing a patient’s observation using Oxevision, you must first login. To do this follow these steps.

Step 1. Select 'Start Observation' at the bottom right of the 24-hour Overview page.

Step 2. Once you are on the staff login page you must enter a full name and/or email address. Note: There is a ‘Temporary staff’ checkbox for staff who do not have a NHS email. They will then be prompted to enter their Agency name.

Finally select ‘Login’ and you will be taken to the Observation Round page. 

Oxehealth has created a way to speed up the log-in process. The last 5 people to have logged in will be displayed under “Recent Logins”. If your name is listed you can select it and your information will be automatically input. Once you have checked this information is correct, select Login. 

Top Tip! The “Login” button is only available once you have filled in the login information required. Ensure you fill out the relevant fields prior to logging-in.


Completing an Observation Round 

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be taken to the Observation Round page.

The Observation Round page shows a list of the current patients on the ward including:

-Their Name

-Their Assigned observation level(s)

-The time their “Last Observation was taken

-The rooms they are currently assigned to

To perform a patient’s observation follow these steps. 

Step 1. Select “Take Observation” which will open the observation workflow for the corresponding patient.

Top Tip! Patients are listed in room order so you can take obs room-by-room.


Once you have selected “Take Observation”  the observation workflow for that patient will appear. 

There are four fields within the observation workflow:

  1. Observation Level
  2. Location
  3. Vital Signs
  4. Presentations and Comments

Complete each section by pressing “Select” under the observation field and fill out the relevant information.

Out of the four fields within the observation workflow, three are mandatory in order to submit the patient's observation. They are highlighted in red and indicated by an asterisk. These include:
1. Observation Level
2. Location
3. Presentation and/or a comment.

Once all of these fields have been completed, staff can select “Review” and submit the observation. 

Obtaining Vital Signs when completing an observation is optional.


Step 2. Select the patient’s Observation Level.

Once a level is selected it will be highlighted with blue shading and shown in the left-hand summary. 

You can either select an assigned or unassigned level for a patient. 

The observation level(s) currently assigned to the patient is indicated below the buttons.

If an unassigned level is selected, this will be indicated by yellow text.


Step 3.  Select the box on the left under “Location*”, then select the current location of the patient. The options listed will be specific to your ward. 

Only one location can be selected and selecting a new one will cause the previous location to be deselected.

A selected location will be highlighted with blue shading and will also be shown in the left-hand summary.

Once you have selected a location the observation timestamp on the right hand side of the screen will be updated.


Step 4. This step is optional. If the patient is in their room you can proceed to take their Vital Signs. Select the box on the left under “Vitals” and then select “Take Vital Signs”.

Vital Signs are an optional field and an observation can be successfully submitted without them.

If Vital Signs are unsuccessfully taken in the Observations workflow, the left hand summary will remain blank with the ‘Select’ option available.

If you successfully obtain Vital Signs they will be shown on the left hand summary. 

Please note: if the patient is in any other location, you will be unable to obtain vital signs readings.


Step 5. Select the box on the left under “Presentations*” and then select all appropriate presentations for the patient.  

A selected presentation will be highlighted with blue shading and will be shown in the left-hand summary.

You can also select “+ Comments” which allows you to enter any additional information required to support your observation protocols.

Once all the mandatory fields (Obs Level, Location, Presentation and/or comment) have been filled, then the “Review” button will turn blue. 


Step 6. Once you have selected “Review” you will be shown an overview of all the details you have entered for the patient’s observation. 

You can edit any information by selecting any of the corresponding edit icons.

When you are ready to submit your observation, select the “Submit Observation” button.

Please note: If you select the “Home” button or the “logout” icon at any time before you have selected “Submit Observation” you will receive the below warning message, which says “Are you sure you want to logout? If you select “Logout”, you will lose this observation.

Top Tip! Ensure that you have included the correct information before selecting submit. You will not be able to go back to edit the fields after submitting.


Here is a short video demonstrating step-by-step, how to complete an observation using Oxevision Observations


We will now take you through how to view and export the Observation History.


The observation history for a given patient shows a table of all observations submitted for that patient within the previous 72 hours.

There are two ways you can view a patient’s Observation History:

  1. By selecting “Observation History” on the Patient Overview page.
  2. Selecting the individual’s name on either the 24-Hour Overview page or on the Observation Round page after logging-in.

If you view a patient’s Observation History when you have low/no wifi, a notification will appear at the top of the page warning you that “Your device has low wifi connectivity - information may not be up to date”.

To export a patient’s Observation History, select “Export Report”. You will need to select a recipient from the dropdown list and a reason for exporting before selecting “Confirm Export”. 


How to view an Exported Observation History using Egress

All Observation History reports are sent to approved recipient/s via Egress.

Egress is an email security platform that encrypts and protects data being shared.

Step 1: Report recipients will need to create a free Egress account before any exported observation reports can be viewed - to see how to do this please select the link in the key messages.

Step 2: When an Oxevision Observations report is sent manually or automatically, the report recipient will receive an email notification from Egress that they have received a secure email from secure-comms@oxehealth.com.

Step 3: Upon receiving an email notification from secure-comms@oxehealth.com, users will have to open the email, select the link and log in to their Egress account to be able to view and/or download the email and attached report.


Here is a short video demonstrating step-by-step, how to view the observation history of a patient 


What happens if you are in an area of low Wi-Fi connectivity?


Offline mode

While completing an observation round using Oxevision Observations there may be times when you experience low/no wifi connectivity whilst you move around the ward. Oxevision Observations has several features to accommodate this, which you may come across: 

  1. The “Pending Observation’s” outbox which will continually attempt to submit observations (for up to 6 hours) until connectivity is re-established.
  2. Low/no wifi connectivity notifications within Oxevision Observations.
  3. A restriction to certain activities when there is low/no wifi connectivity to avoid the risk of you entering and then losing important information.


Offline Mode - What you can and cannot do, in Areas of Low or no Wi-Fi.

What you can do:

If you are already logged in to Oxevision Observations you can continue to complete and submit observations. Your submitted observations will be held in the “Pending Observations'' outbox until sufficient wifi connectivity is established to allow the submitted observation(s) to fully complete.

Once submitted, we recommend that you take the tablet device into an area with sufficient wifi connectivity to allow the system to successfully submit the observation.

What you cannot do:

  1. Log in to Oxevision Observations
  2. Take Vital Signs observations
  3. Export Observation History reports

If wifi connectivity is not established for a prolonged period (30 minutes in total) then access to the “Observation Round” will be blocked by a full-screen warning message. When wifi connectivity is re-established, the warning message will disappear and you will be able to log in again. 

Please note: if good Wi-Fi connectivity is not established within 6 hours, any pending observations not submitted fully, will be discarded. We recommend that you take the tablet device into an area with sufficient wifi connectivity to allow the system to successfully submit the observation.


Thank you. 

You’ve now completed the Oxevision Observations lesson. 

Please take some time to read the key messages below the video, then mark the lesson as complete. 

Once done, please take the Oxevision Observations quiz to confirm your completion of the training. 

A certificate will be issued to your email upon successful completion of the quiz.

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Oxevision Observations quiz

Test your knowledge of Oxevision Observations here.